IPL –Permanent Hair Removal

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

Our hair contains a pigment called ‘melanin’ which helps to absorb the light from the flashes, which in turn stimulates the hair in the follicle to go into the ‘resting phase.’


Frequently Asked Questions About IPL

Frequently Asked Questions About IPL

The cost is dependent on which area of the body is being treated. Sessions are generally done at 4 – 6 week intervals, as that is when the hair will be in its ‘resting’ phase which

  • Avoid sun exposure as much as possible prior to your appointment
  • Avoid the use of active ingredients i.e Retinol 48 hours before the appointment (face)
  • Ideally the area being treated should be shaved the night before

You may feel a bit of heat and the feeling of an elastic band hitting against your skin. It is generally a painless procedure, however a numbing cream may be used on sensitive areas, i.e. bikini.

  • The skin may be slightly red and/or irritated which usually clears after a few hours
  • Small red patches are sometimes expected to seen and usually clear after a few hours as well
  • Be sure not to scratch of rub the skin
  • Swimming, use of alcohol based products and makeup (face) should be avoided for 48-72 hours
  • Acidic products such as retinol should also be avoided for 48-72 hours if the face is being treated
  • Protect the skin with a good SPF50 and avoid sun exposure as much as possible

There are a few risks involved however we take upmost care in trying to avoid these from occurring. These include swelling/bruising, pigment changes which can occur during the healing process, wounds, infections and scarring. These can happen at very rare occurrences.
Medical attention should be seeked immediately if any of these risks are present.

Around 8-12 sessions are required however results can first be noticed after the 4th or 5th session, so long as the treatments are done consistently.


Similar To IPL – Permanent Hair Removal

Similar To IPL – Permanent Hair Removal


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